United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Japan


Market Research
GAIN Reports


Major Supermarket Chain in Kansai Holds American Fair

20140224_KansaiSuper_EDuring November 14-20, 2013, Kansai Super Market Ltd., a major supermarket chain in Western Japan, held an American Fair at all of its 63 outlets. The annual promotion, sponsored by the Royal Company and the California Table Grape Commission, and endorsed by the U.S. Agricultural Trade Office (ATO), has been expanding in size since its start in 2011. This year, the fair not only featured varieties of California table grapes, pomegranates, strawberries, celery, lemon, and American pork, but also included American beef for the first time. Kansai Super Market Ltd stated that because more consumers in the region were becoming aware of the tasty and easy-to-eat U.S.-grown seedless table grapes and they planned to continue their marketing efforts to support further market penetration. During this event, ATO Japan Director Steve Shnitzler also supported this event by endorsing the high-quality of U.S. grown agricultural products, including those being featured.
